Please see Google Scholar for an up-to-date list of publications.
- Kassraie, P., Pooladian, A.-A., Klein, M., Thornton, J., Niles-Weed, J., and Cuturi, M. (2024), “Progressive Entropic Optimal Transport Solvers.” [PDF]
- Divol, V., Niles-Weed, J., and Pooladian, A.-A. (2024), “Tight stability bounds for entropic Brenier maps.” [PDF]
- Klein, M., Pooladian, A.-A., Ablin, P., Ndiaye, E., Niles-Weed, J., and Cuturi, M. (2023), “Learning Costs for Structured Monge Displacements.” [PDF]
- Mossel, E., Niles-Weed, J., Sun, N., and Zadik, I. (2022), “On the Second Kahn–Kalai Conjecture.” [PDF]
- Gonzalez-Sanz, A., Loubes, J.-M., and Niles-Weed, J. (2022), “Weak limits of entropy regularized Optimal Transport; potentials, plans and divergences.” [PDF]
- Bing, X., Bunea, F., and Niles-Weed, J. (2022), “The Sketched Wasserstein Distance for mixture distributions.” [PDF]
- Divol, V., Niles-Weed, J., and Pooladian, A.-A. (2022), “Optimal transport map estimation in general function spaces.” [PDF]
- Bryan, J. G., Niles-Weed, J., and Hoff, P. D. (2021), “The multirank likelihood for semiparametric canonical correlation analysis.” [PDF]
- Pooladian, A.-A., and Niles-Weed, J. (2021), “Entropic estimation of optimal transport maps.” [PDF] (Best paper at Optimal Transport and Machine Learning workshop, NeurIPS 2021)
Conference Articles
- Frank, N. S., and Niles-Weed, J. (2023), “The Adversarial Consistency of Surrogate Risks for Binary Classification,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2023). [PDF]
- Liu, S., Bunea, F., and Niles-Weed, J. (2023), “Asymptotic confidence sets for random linear programs,” in Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2023). [PDF]
- Pooladian, A.-A., Divol, V., and Niles-Weed, J. (2023), “Minimax estimation of discontinuous optimal transport maps: The semi-discrete case,” in Fortieth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023). [PDF]
- Mossel, E., Niles-Weed, J., Sohn, Y., Sun, N., and Zadik, I. (2023), “Sharp thresholds in inference of planted subgraphs,” in Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2023). [PDF]
- Ding, Y., and Niles-Weed, J. (2022), “Asymptotics of smoothed Wasserstein distances in the small noise regime,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS 2022). [PDF]
- Xi, J., and Niles-Weed, J. (2022), “Distributional Convergence of the Sliced Wasserstein Process,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS 2022). [PDF]
- Kunisky, D., and Niles-Weed, J. (2022), “Strong recovery of geometric planted matchings,” in ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA22). [PDF]
- Pooladian, A.-A., Cuturi, M., and Niles-Weed, J. (2022), “Debiaser Beware: Pitfalls of Centering Regularized Transport Maps,” in Thirty-ninth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022). [PDF]
- Liu, S., Kaku, A., Zhu, W., Leibovich, M., Mohan, S., Yu, B., Huang, H., Zanna, L., Razavian, N., Niles-Weed, J., and Fernandez-Granda, C. (2021), “Deep Probability Estimation,” in Thirty-ninth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022). [PDF]
- Niles-Weed, J., and Zadik, I. (2021), “It was ‘all’ for ‘nothing’: sharp phase transitions for noiseless discrete channels,” in Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2021). [PDF]
- Huang, D., Niles-Weed, J., and Ward, R. (2021), “Streaming k-PCA: Efficient guarantees for Oja’s algorithm, beyond rank-one updates,” in Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2021). [PDF]
- Liu, S., Niles-Weed, J., Razavian, N., and Fernandez-Granda, C. (2020), “Early-Learning Regularization Prevents Memorization of Noisy Labels,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (NeurIPS 2020). [PDF]
- Niles-Weed, J., and Zadik, I. (2020), “The All-or-Nothing Phenomenon in Sparse Tensor PCA,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (NeurIPS 2020). [PDF]
- Cuturi, M., Teboul, O., Niles-Weed, J., and Vert, J.-P. (2020), “Supervised Quantile Normalization for Low-rank Matrix Approximation,” in Thirty-seventh International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2020). [PDF]
- Mena, G., and Weed, J. (2019), “Statistical bounds for entropic optimal transport: sample complexity and the central limit theorem,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS 2019). [PDF] (Selected for spotlight presentation)
- Altschuler, J., Bach, F., Rudi, A., and Weed, J. (2019), “Massively scalable Sinkhorn distances via the Nyström method,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS 2019). [PDF]
- Goldfeld, Z., Greenewald, K., Weed, J., and Polyanskiy, Y. (2019), “Optimality of the plug-in estimator for differential entropy estimation under Gaussian convolutions,” in 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT).
- Weed, J., and Berthet, Q. (2019), “Estimation of smooth densities in Wasserstein distance,” in Proceedings of the 32nd Conference On Learning Theory (COLT 2019). (Superseded by journal version.) [PDF]
- Forrow, A., Hütter, J.-C., Nitzan, M., Rigollet, P., Schiebinger, G., and Weed, J. (2019), “Statistical optimal transport via factored couplings,” in 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2019). [PDF]
- Weed, J. (2018), “An explicit analysis of the entropic penalty in linear programming,” in Proceedings of the 31st Conference On Learning Theory (COLT 2018). [video] [PDF]
- Mao, C., Weed, J., and Rigollet, P. (2018), “Minimax rates and efficient algorithms for noisy sorting,” in Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2018). [PDF]
- Altschuler, J., Weed, J., and Rigollet, P. (2017), “Near-linear time approximation algorithms for optimal transport via Sinkhorn iteration,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30 (NIPS 2017). [PDF] (Selected for spotlight presentation)
- Weed, J., Perchet, V., and Rigollet, P. (2016), “Online learning in repeated auctions,” in Proceedings of the 29th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2016). [video] [PDF]
Journal Articles
- Manole, T., Balakrishnan, S., Niles-Weed, J., and Wasserman, L. (2024+), “Plugin Estimation of Smooth Optimal Transport Maps,” Annals of Statistics. To appear. [PDF]
- Manole, T., and Niles-Weed, J. (2024), “Sharp Convergence Rates for Empirical Optimal Transport with Smooth Costs,” Annals of Applied Probability, 34(1B), 1108–1135. [PDF]
- Frank, N. S., and Niles-Weed, J. (2024), “Existence and Minimax Theorems for Adversarial Surrogate Risks in Binary Classification,” Journal of Machine Learning Research, 25(58), 1–41. [PDF]
- Bandeira, A. S., Blum-Smith, B., Kileel, J., Perry, A., Weed, J., and Wein, A. S. (2023), “Estimation under group actions: recovering orbits from invariants,” Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 66, 236–319. [PDF]
- Barrio, E. del, Gonzalez-Sanz, A., Loubes, J.-M., and Niles-Weed, J. (2023), “An improved central limit theorem and fast convergence rates for entropic transportation costs,” SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 5(3). [PDF]
- Carleton, W. C., Klassen, S., Niles-Weed, J., Evans, D., Roberts, P., and Groucutt, H. S. (2023), “Bayesian regression versus machine learning for rapid age estimation of archaeological features identified with lidar at Angkor,” Scientific Reports, 13(1), 17913.
- Niles-Weed, J., and Rigollet, P. (2022), “Estimation of Wasserstein distances in the Spiked Transport Model,” Bernoulli, 28(4). [video] [PDF]
- Altschuler, D. J., and Niles-Weed, J. (2022), “The Discrepancy of Random Rectangular Matrices,” Random Structures & Algorithms, 60, 551–593. [PDF]
- Niles-Weed, J., and Berthet, Q. (2022), “Minimax estimation of smooth densities in Wasserstein distance,” Annals of Statistics, 50(3), 1519–1540. [PDF]
- Huang, D., Niles-Weed, J., Tropp, J. A., and Ward, R. (2022), “Matrix Concentration for Products,” Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 22, 1767–1799. [video] [PDF]
- Altschuler, J. M., Niles-Weed, J., and Stromme, A. J. (2022), “Asymptotics for semi-discrete entropic optimal transport,” SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 54(2). [PDF]
- Chen, H.-B., Chewi, S., and Niles-Weed, J. (2021), “Dimension-free log-Sobolev inequalities for mixture distributions,” Journal of Functional Analysis, 281(11). [PDF]
- Chen, H.-B., and Niles-Weed, J. (2021), “Asymptotics of smoothed Wasserstein distances,” Potential Analysis. [PDF]
- Klassen, S., Carter, A. K., Evans, D. H., Ortman, S., Stark, M. T., Loyless, A. A., Polkinghorne, M., Heng, P., Hill, M., Wijker, P., Niles-Weed, J., Marriner, G. P., Pottier, C., and Fletcher, R. J. (2021), “Diachronic modeling of the population within the medieval Greater Angkor Region settlement complex,” Science Advances, 7(19). [PDF]
- Goldfeld, Z., Greenewald, K., Polyanskiy, Y., and Weed, J. (2020), “Convergence of smoothed empirical measures with applications to entropy estimation,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 66(7), 4368–4391. [PDF]
- Perry, A., Weed, J., Bandeira, A. S., Rigollet, P., and Singer, A. (2019), “The Sample Complexity of Multireference Alignment,” SIAM J. Math. Data Sci., 1(3), 497–517. [PDF]
- Weed, J., and Bach, F. (2019), “Sharp asymptotic and finite-sample rates of convergence of empirical measures in Wasserstein distance,” Bernoulli, 25(4A), 2620–2648. [PDF]
- Rigollet, P., and Weed, J. (2019), “Uncoupled isotonic regression via minimum Wasserstein deconvolution,” Inf. Inference, 8(4), 691–717. [video] [PDF]
- Bandeira, A., Rigollet, P., and Weed, J. (2019), “Optimal rates of estimation for multi-reference alignment,” Mathematical Statistics and Learning, 2, 25–75. [PDF]
- Weed, J. (2018), “Approximately certifying the restricted isometry property is hard,” IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 64(8), 5488–5497.
- Klassen, S., Weed, J., and Evans, D. (2018), “Semi-supervised machine learning approaches for predicting the chronology of archaeological sites: A case study of temples from medieval Angkor, Cambodia,” PloS one, 13(11).
- Rigollet, P., and Weed, J. (2018), “Entropic optimal transport is maximum-likelihood deconvolution,” Comptes Rendus Mathématique, 356(11-12), 1228–1235.
- Sawhney, M., and Weed, J. (2017), “Further results on arc and bar \(k\)-visibility graphs,” The Minnesota Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics, 3(1). Project mentored through MIT PRIMES. [PDF]
- Woo, A. (2009), “Permutations with Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial \(P_{id,w}(q)=1+q^h\),” Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 16(2). With an appendix by S. Billey and J. Weed. [PDF]
Book Chapters
- Weed, J. (2017), “Multinational War is Hard,” in The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects, eds. J. Beineke and J. Rosenhouse, Princeton. [PDF]